Marisol Gonzalez Research Paper

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Marisol Gonzalez is a Emo girl that listens to punk rock goes by the nickname of Flaca. She comes from less wealthy family, lived in what seemed to be an apartment. Has a brother named Marco and a mother who works hard making dresses for rich folks. She goes to high school and wants to make extra cash. She has a boyfriend who does not live in her area but is known to be a drug dealer which is where she got the influenced, therefore creating fake drugs. She printed out stickers on a blank piece of paper and sold them as if they were real drugs at a football game.word got around that she was dealing so she began to gain plenty of clientele. By the image of the drug she attempted to create and my knowledge I will assume she tried to imitate the …show more content…

Jason was having an “acid trip” when eventually he climbed onto the school’s roof and completely lost it and jumped, attempting to commit suicide. Everyone knowing where the drug Jason took came from, Marisol got arrested for Fraud and Endangerment and sent to serve her time in Litchfield Federal Penitentiary. She was sent to a Federal Penitentiary because she is serving more than one year. The events I just named contribute to the character's behavior because all she wanted to do was earn her money and coming from a poor family her actions are semi understandable, not saying it was the correct way of getting money but her decisions where comprehensive. Now coming down to her sentencing it is clear to me that incarceration was definitely the way to go. Marisol’s case was a complicated one for sure I would have arrested her for the exact same thing they did in the show, fraud and endangerment. I agree with this decision because in fact it was a fraud considering she sold fake drugs and endangerment because the drug caused Jason to attempt suicide. It was stated that he was in the hospital fighting for his life so it would be unreasonable to arrested for something like murder or

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