Brian Chavez Research Paper

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There are a few things that can bring the town of Odessa, Texas together, football is one. Certain families aggrandize over the sport more than others. There is a direct contrast between the families of Boobie Miles and Brian Chavez. Boobie Miles’ uncle LV Miles always pushes Boobie at home and tries to live out his high school dreams of playing football, which he could not do because of segregation and the black school not having a football program at the time, whereas Brian pushes himself to succeed in both football and academics because he knows that there is life after high school football.

Boobie Miles was passed through school not having to do any work, but after he was injured it seemed as though he did not matter anymore. He was treated just like any other black person. He endured racial slurs and his grades dropped as a result of him not helping the football team anymore. The teachers did not want to help him because he was of no use for them and their football team. Boobie soon realized that he should have focused on school more. He attended a small-scale college, but he flunked out after one year. …show more content…

The valedictorian dreamed of going to Harvard University and playing football. School is Brian’s main priority albeit has exceptional skills in football. He wanted to become a lawyer like his father. Brian goes on to attend Harvard and plays football for one season, but decides to give it up wanting to focus solely on