
Marjane: Forced To Wear The Veil

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Marjane in her country, Iran, was forced to wear veils. But when she was in Vienna for four years she was not forced into wearing the veil because it was not required and no one would wear a veil besides the nuns. As Satrapi mentioned to her childhood friend Shirin, “It’s going to be cool to go to school without a veil”(Satrapi 2). Marjane claims that she felt happy due to the fact that she was not going to have to wear the veil and feel more comfortable and too also blend in with every other kid at school. Until the day came that Marjane was already a bigger woman and she had gone through some rough moments with her health, friends, boyfriend, and even at school with Frau Doctor Heller who was blaming Marjane for stealing her brooch. Marjane
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