Mark Of The Beast Research Paper

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"The Mark of the Beast" what comes to mind? The devil, Satan, an extremist hellbent on enslaving the world? Currently the world is experiencing another epidemic of outlandish media. The current theory of the mark is surgical implants, to be specific RFID implants. RFID chips are tiny mechanical device that is implanted into your body to hold passwords and other important data. Due to Australia, current position in pushing people to get chipped, human implants have taken center stage again. This argument can be taken many ways. Those that believe in the bible think that it is against their teaching. Those for the evolution of science rejoice in what they see as the natural progression of humans. Some people even that think it can give them special powers. As an aspiring engineer this topic is very important to me because I may work in this field when I am older. …show more content…

Any person interested in engineering, biology and chemistry would be curious about these implants. Engineers because they would most likely be designing, coding and making these products. Biology major would be interested because they would be curious how the body would interact and work with the implants. Chemists are most likely interested because they would help make the product so the body would not reject the implant. Although a person does not need to be interested in these field to be curious about the product. With the impacts these devices will have a very big effect so any person that is interested in the news would be part of the target audience as