Mark Twain Response To Shakespeare Essay

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Mark Twain wrote a response to Shakespeare’s writings about who he thought Shakespeare actually was and in that response he does not believe Shakespeare actually wrote his plays and sonnets while showing minimal support that can either be believed in or refuted. From his point of view, Twain believed Lord Bacon was the real writer of the plays and sonnets because his name can be found in multiple of Shakespeare’s works. Shakespeare, who came from humble beginnings where his father was a glove maker, Twain thought could not of wrote such eloquent works because he was from simple beginnings and did not have a college education. Also Twain’s speculation of no collegiate education meant Shakespeare’s scenes in The Merchant of Venice, a common, …show more content…

Only small trivialities were left of Shakespeare Twain stated and they were common things that could happen to anyone and everyone (354). Today there is proof of Shakespeare’s marriage license, legal citations, lawsuits, business transactions and even his will (Senn 129, 132, 148, 150). In today’s contemporary time there is much more evidence and more access to the proof of Shakespeare’s life and works than what would of been known and accessible in Twain’s time. All these prove there was a man William Shakespeare who did lived, worked and died. Other records we do not but things happen: fire, things get lost, or water damage are a few examples. That just means people lose evidence of people’s lives in the past and there is nothing that can be done to go back and change that. Readers do not know a lot about many people from Shakespeare’s time and as an example, another author who that there is little known about is Marlow. It has been several hundred years since they lived: cities have changed, wars have been waged, and things have been lost. Shakespeare did have many things happen to him in his life in disagreement to Twain’s statement and there is proof of his