Today in society there have been so many young women who have had unplanned pregnancies and have been undecided on what they are going to do with their babies. Apparently, most women plan on keeping their babies other on the other hand prefer to get an abortion. Today in society we have only have early abortions for women that are not close to having their babies and that they are still in their early trimester. Women who are in their late trimester are unlikely to get an early abortion because their babies have developing well in every trimesters . Also we have women who are already mothers go through these kinds of situations as well. When it comes to women getting pregnant they need options like whether they want to keep their baby, put their baby up for adoption, …show more content…
Former late- term abortion clinic workers stated that approximately 50% of 3rd trimester abortions are performed on healthy babies. In my opinion it seems that doctors quite often reffered women to late term abortion providers who were pregnant with healthy babies, but they wanted the abortion because they had either broken up with the baby 's father, lost their job, or something similar. Women have right s to do a late term abortion or any abortion at that. During one of the Presedential debate between the two campaigns Hilailary Clinton and Donald Trumph had debated about late term abortions. Donald Trumph had presented a irrelevant view of abortion in the United States and had misled his interpretation of Hilary 's position on late term abortions. Donald Trumph said in his own words that basically what Hilary Clinton was trying to say is that you can take a baby and rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month; Donald Trumph felt that it was unacceptable . Hilary on the other had believe that abortions should be legal and accessibility should be in line with the Roe v. Wade , which guranteeds a woman 's right to procedure up until the fetus is viable. Apparently 19 states have laws banning