The Ethics Of Abortion

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A topic that is all well known in the world that has people standing on pins and needles is abortion. Around the world the world every year, woman might find their selves in the tough situation of an unplanned pregnancy. It can be a tremendous responsibility for anyone to take care of a child that may or may not have been planned for, and an even bigger responsibility if that woman ends up being a single mother. When a woman chooses to abort the unwanted child they carry in their womb, in a way they are saving the child from a life of abuse or neglect that may be brought on because that child is not wanted. Before a woman gets an abortion she most importantly weighs her options and sees if she has any other choices, in particular goes to talk …show more content…

There are different ways to get an abortion. One of the many types of abortion can be done after 20 weeks of pregnancy. After 20 weeks of gestation, abortions can be performed by labor induction (p5 p4). The doctors induce labor like they would any other and take the fetus out of the mother’s womb. The next type of abortion is a medical abortion. The process of a medical abortion involves bleeding and regardless of the amount of tissue passed the woman must see a doctor for evaluation to make sure the process is complete (Emedicinehealth p11 p4). After the process of a medical abortion begins, the woman must continue to go to the doctors in order to make sure that after the procedure she will be fine. Not always does the medical abortion work. Medical abortions have a success rate that ranges from 75-95% (Emedicinehealth p7 p4). Having an abortion comes with risks and it is something that every woman considering abortion should know. Of course there are other types of abortion, and the one that happens without any medical help at all is called a miscarriage. It happens naturally without any help at all. After the process of having an abortion the woman has to be put on medicine to make sure she is ok. Your health care professional may give you antibiotics as a precaution against infection (Emedicinehealth p8 p5). The antibiotics that a woman gets after she has had in abortion are just to make sure that she will not get any infections, they may or may not give her pain medicine as well, and it is just up to the doctor and what type of abortion procedure was done. The process of abortion can be painful, and come with risks as well, but it is up to the woman to

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