The Pros And Cons Of Abortion

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Life is all about the choices we make. The news specifically reports on poor choices that others make, or on choices made by those in power that affect the majority. A specific choice that is hard to discuss, and even harder to legislate, is abortion. Some people know exactly where they stand, and why they stand there. I have a more difficult time finding a solid, easy answer. Although I am surrounded by, and am a self professed christian, I find myself more often on the side of pro-choice rather than pro-life. The more I grow as a person, the more I have to consider that no two situations are exactly the same. This is my main reason for being pro-choice. I cannot foresee every situation that a women could be put in, to say that she does not deserve the right …show more content…

This is a matter of feelings and beliefs, which should not be forced upon or expected of other people. I love babies, I love children, I admire the miracle of pregnancy and childbirth, and yet, if for some reason my birth control failed, I would like to be able to choose the course of my future. To be clear, this would be a very early termination, I do agree that late terminations are inappropriate. Although the decision should be granted, it cannot be taken advantage of at any leisure. It should be a swift decision before the 6-8 week mark, when the fetus is rather small. This is the appropriate time period for a medical abortion, via prescription drug. “The abortion pill is very effective. For people who are 8 weeks pregnant or less, it works about 98 out of 100 times. From 8-9 weeks pregnant, it works about 96 out of 100 times. From 9-10 weeks, it works 93 out of 100 times.” ( Now, this is a worst case, last chance scenario. I think that women should be allowed the choice, but should be encouraged to utilize protection before pregnancy can