Why Is It Important To Be Pro Choice Or Pro Life Essay

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I think that most people would agree that the subject of abortion is a touchy topic. When having a discussion about who gets to live and who doesn't, I think it's understandable that anyone might feel uncomfortable. While its true that uncomfortable topics exist, that doesn't mean that we should refrain from discussing them. In fact, the more we talk about controversial subjects, the more we can fully understand and address them. In recent times, the question of whether one should be pro-choice or pro-life has become relevant. Its almost impossible to take a stance on that topic without doing a significant amount of research, but I would like to share my opinion on the matter. Let's take a look at some of the reasons I believe its more beneficial to be pro-choice. Before I continue I must clarify that in my eyes, being pro-choice does not mean that you advocate abortion. To put it simply, no one is happy about abortion. Being pro-choice simply means that an individual believes that the mother deserves a choice. Hence the term pro-choice. It is important that people realize that the reason there are individuals who are pro-choice, is because we want to prevent an already terrible situation from becoming worse. …show more content…

While I understand the good intentions behind this opinion, there are some negative aspects of being pro-life that some people don't consider. The first point everyone should be aware of is, even if abortions were illegal people would still get them. Before abortions were legalized, anywhere from 200,000-1.2 million abortions took place annually. An unfortunate amount of these abortions resulted in death to the mother due to malpractice and unsafe conditions. Even in the modern age, prohibiting abortions would, once again, likely result in women taking drastic measures to prevent birth. This is a tragedy that America should never be subject to

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