
Abortion Vs Pro Life Essay

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Today, abortion is a controversial topic between the two very different groups. The two groups of people are, pro-choice and pro-life. The people who are pro-choice believe that the mother who is carrying the fetus has the right to choose whether to terminate or to let it live. Prolife supporters believe that the fetus has their own rights and deserve to live. These two groups have strong feelings toward this subject. A pro-life person might look at abortion as murder and unfair to the fetus. Pro-choice members might think that it takes away the mother’s agency.
How abortion works is an important thing to know to be able to fully understand either group. First thing they determine before the abortion process is to see the viability of the fetus. …show more content…

One is medical termination, it consists of the person taking a pill and waiting 48 hours to have a vaginal pessary done. Another is the vacuum and aspiration method, where they literally use a special syringe to suction out the contents of the brain. No matter what process a woman goes through, the end result of abortion is terminating the pregnancy and putting an end to a fetus’s development.
Abortion is legal in all fifty states of America, but each individual state is able to make and determine their own regulations or restrictions on what they offer or perform. The Row V.
Wade is the law put in place to allow women the right to decide between keeping her child or
Virgin 2 terminating her pregnancy. The law is also in place to make sure the right of the woman’s choice is balanced in order to protect the woman’s health and the potential of the human life inside of her. Row V. Wade protects both lives at stake and does not allow for anyone to abort their baby unless there is probable cause or serious threat to the mother. Being able to balance rules and regulations for such a law has been a controversial struggle in America for several years. Many people are very passionate about their stance on the topic and argue strongly against

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