Pro Life Essay

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Abortion is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy. There are a number of different views on the topic as different people believe that the baby is “alive” at different points in the pregnancy. Because of this, some people are against abortion because they believe it is the murder of the baby: these people are called Pro-Life. On the other hand, some people are Pro-Choice: which means that they argue that the mother has the right to choose whether or not to have an abortion.

People who are pro-choice may believe that abortion should be allowed as the baby may be disabled, and the best way to handle the situation is to terminate the pregnancy. This can be good for the mother and the baby’s family, as there may not be enough money …show more content…

This is because they believe that a disabled baby can still be happy and contribute to society. They believe that it isn’t right to abort the baby just because it may have some disabilities. This may be true, but in the UK, a woman must get permission from two doctors before she can have an abortion. This means that there must be a good reason for ending the pregnancy.

People who are pro-life don’t agree with abortion because they think it’s murder. This is because there isn’t a classification for when “life” starts in the timeline of a foetus, which means that people have different views on when it changes from abortion to murder. For example, a person who believes that life starts at conception is more likely to take a pro-life view, whereas a person who believes that life starts at birth may take a pro-choice view.

Some people may not think that this is a good reason to illegalize abortion. This is because they believe that it should be the mother’s choice: the mother should choose whether she wants to keep the baby or not because she is the one who will have to go through nine months of pregnancy and labour for a child that she does not want. Some people think that it is unfair to the mother. As well as that, the mother’s life may be at risk, and some people believe that it is better to have an abortion than lose the