Persuasive Essay On Pro Life

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Abortion is a procedure that can be simply defined as the termination of a pregnancy, but it really is much more than that. Abortion is taking the life of someone, a human being. The Pro-Life revolution is revolution that fights for the lives of unborn children. All children, born or unborn, deserve to live because they are just as human as any other human on this earth. The Pro-Life revolution strives to make abortion illegal because it is killing a human being. The Pro-Life revolution chooses to be a peaceful revolution, those who participate do not yell or scream at people who disagree with them, rather, they protest in a respectful way. There is no violence when protesting abortion. This revolution is very current today, as it is an extremely controversial topic in the world right now. People who are Pro-Life believe that all lives deserve a …show more content…

There are so many more options other than abortion if a person does not want their baby, such as adoption. What is so important about the Pro-Life revolution is that those who participate in it have a love for all people, no matter their race, sexuality, gender, and other factors. Pro-Life revolutionaries want life for all people, no matter who they are or where they come from. This revolution protests the government, in that abortion is breaking the fourteenth amendment of the United States Constitution which states, “No State shall make or enforce any law which

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