Pro Life's Arguments Against Abortion

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There are many debates about abortion and how it should be illegal or its legality. Generally there are two sides to the argument. Those on the Pro Life side of the argument believe that abortions should be illegal. Pro Life activists believe abortion is not only murder, but also an immoral act. (2) Then there are those on the Pro Choice side believe that abortion should be legal. The Pro Choice side feels that individuals should have the right to choose what happens with their body. (2) Then, they argue that abortion is not murder due to the baby not being fully developed. Pro Life feels that abortion is murder, and should be considered murder in the eyes of the law. Pro Life considers a baby to be human as soon as conception occurs. Pro Life against abortion also usually has religious reasons backing their beliefs. They also claim that research proves abortion can lead to complications with future pregnancies and even breast cancer. (1) …show more content…

They feel that an individuals right to choose what happens with their body is very important. Pro Choice activists also feel that abortion needs to be legal because if it is not, it will not stop women from having an abortion. Women will find a way to have an abortion even if it means going to someone who is not licensed to do so, even find a way to get to someone who has done it before, or in extreme cases, doing it themselves. This can be more seriously dangerous, because sometimes the aborting will fail, causing the child to still develop with very bad complications. With the debate of abortion, comes the issue of time. Research indicates that a baby's heartbeat can be detected as early as 6 weeks following conception. With this in mind, how should the timeline for abortions be determined? In most states, an abortion must be performed by the 14th week of pregnancy. Some states allow abortions up to 24 weeks for special circumstances.

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