Abortion Vs Pro Life Essay

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Pro-Choice advocates believe abortion is a choice that can only be made by the woman bearing the child, not by the government nor any other person. When a person is asked "Are you for or against abortion?" the person has two options. They can say they are Pro-Life or Pro-Choice. Pro-Life advocates are people who do not believe in abortion, they believe that a zygote is a person at conception. Pro-Choice advocates are people who believe in the right to have a child or not if you need an abortion. Having a child is a decision only the person bearing the child can make.

Having a child is a decision only the person carrying the fetus can make. No other person has the right to control another person’s body. It is important to preserve our right to choice because it shows that we, as women, are able to make logical decisions on our own. It also shows we do not have to depend on the ideals of men to decide what we can and cannot …show more content…

Pro-Choice does not mean pro-abortion. Each person individually should be in control of their own moral decisions. Our government should not impose morals on women by taking away their right to Choice. In the Constitution, it states the populous has the freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of religion, freedom to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. "Political parties are collective entities that seek to further their own interests, therefore these efforts endear their constituents at the expense of women who have had their options torn away." (Thomas 2). When a person becomes pregnant Pro-Life believers, will instantly believe that within the first 2 weeks there is a life and that you can't take that life away no matter the circumstances "Abortion rates are higher among those below the poverty line which is precisely the groups targeted by this roundabout ban." (Thomas

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