Essay On Pro Choice

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Abortion is an extremely controversial topic. Many people are uninformed about pro-choice people. So, I have taken the time to explain what being pro-choice really means, and why it is the best position. A pro-choice position considers the health, rights, and future of the mother and child. A lot of people have a misconception of what being pro-choice is really about. Pro-choice does not mean pro-abortion. Pro-choice people aren’t arguing that an abortion is a great procedure full of puppies and kittens. Being pro-choice does not mean hating babies or coercing people into terminating a pregnancy. Being pro-choice is really about allowing people to evaluate their own unique situations, think hard, and then choose what is best in their unique circumstance. Now that you have been informed on what it means to be pro-choice, I will show why being pro-choice is the best option. Pro-choice people believe that women, not the government, should make their own reproductive health care decisions. In some pregnancies, the health of the fetus and the mother are at risk; in these cases, an abortion could protect the pregnant mother from harm or death. Also, abortion centers don’t do the procedure …show more content…

In Roe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court decided that a woman’s right to an abortion is protected by the Constitution. If this decision were to be overturned, abortion would be made illegal and the reportedly 683,000 adult American women that are forcibly raped each year, would have to go through what the UN considers nine months of difficult or debilitating symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, bloating, cravings, exhaustion, and more, against their will. Also, if Roe vs. Wade were overturned, it would set the U.S. back on it's journey to make America a liberating country, because women would lose the ability to make decisions about their own body. Furthermore, another reason why being pro-choice is right, is the mother and child’s

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