Persuasive Essay On Pro Choice

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Use Your Voice for Pro-Choice There is an average of three million unwanted pregnancies each year, and without ways to get rid of or stop these pregnancies the pregnancy rate among teens would increase to about 58% each year (“Know the Facts”). Abortion is a highly discussed topic with two sides to it; Pro-Choice or Pro-Life. The Pro-Choice movement is a movement in the U.S. defending the rights of a woman to terminate her pregnancy when she wants. It is extremely important for a woman to have these rights, because if she does not want to have a child, she can do something about it. People should be Pro-Choice because if a woman’s decision to do as she pleases with her body is taken away, she is being refused basic human rights. In order to understand how important it is to be Pro-Choice, you have to realize that abortion is a very safe procedure (“Pro-Choice and Proud”). Without abortion being legal and safe, women all around the world will still continue to have abortions, but in an unsanitary way (“Pro-Choice and Proud”). Abortion is one of the safest …show more content…

Others will also argue that the woman could just put the baby up for adoption if she did not want the child instead of having an abortion. If a woman were to have an abortion before 20 weeks into the pregnancy the fetus will not feel anything, because a fetus does not develop a complete nervous system until this period in the pregnancy (“Begin Before”). Many women do not want to go through the pain and the nine months of restriction for a child that she did not want in the first place, and she should not have to if she doesn’t want to. Also, putting a child into the adoption system is not starting the child off with much of a great life. What child wants to be put into the adoption system as soon as they are born? No one can guarantee that the baby will ever get

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