Abortion Vs Pro Life Essay

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In today`s world, there are a multitude of issues that tend to divide people. Some common topics up for debate are; same-sex marriage, global warming, and abortion. Abortion is known as the cessation of a human pregnancy. There are technically two forms of abortion. One happens naturally and is commonly known as a miscarriage. The kind of abortion that causes a heated debate, is the purposeful one.
The two main beliefs of this matter are pro-life and pro-choice. People who consider themselves pro-life believe that the fetus is a living, human being. They believe that since these babies are living, they deserve to be born and have a chance at existing in our world. Supporters of the pro-choice side believe that it is a woman`s right to decide what she does with her pregnancy. That at the end of this matter, a single woman is pregnant and she should be able to do what she pleases. …show more content…

Whether I watch a show that is discussing this matter, or I am approached by someone on campus on my opinion, I constantly hear about it. I would consider my opinion to be more pro-choice. I honestly believe a woman should be the only one to ultimately decide what happens with her body. If a woman chooses to terminate her pregnancy, I will respect that decision. And if a woman were to choose to continue with her pregnancy, I will support that too. However, I also believe that an abortion should be done if the pregnancy was a result of rape or incest, if it could result in the death of the mother or child or if there is a high possibility the baby will not have a good quality of life. At the end of the day, I personally could never terminate a pregnancy. But I have the choice to not ever have an abortion, and every woman should be given the same opportunity to make her own

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