Issues Surrounding Abortion Essay

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Abortion is a question that runs through the minds of many women throughout their lives. Do you believe a women that is not ready to have a child has the right to murder their baby? Would you rather kill an innocent fetus then bring it into life how God wants it? Or should a women accept the responsibility that comes with producing a baby? Abortion should not be allowed in any place, it’s considered murder. How could a mother be so hateful and cold-hearted to murder her very own child?

Abortion has been legal in some countries since 1973, women had the right to have an abortion. Women were against it based on their religious beliefs it was offensive against God’s creation. Many other females felt that giving abortion could be a choice that …show more content…

Ninety-five percent of women do not regret abortion how is this even possible what kind of people is out there. How could even people be happy with the decision they had made. Six hundred and seventy women each year do regret having abortion. Many women that regrets abortion suffers from depression and guilt. Women who regret abortion then realize the pain they had cause for the baby and themselves. Then asked their self what if the baby would of been here with them, was it a boy or a girl, how would my life would of been with the baby. All of this questions a women feel when they feel guilt and feel like that they had made the worst decision of their life. Then they realize that they had murder their own innocent baby that has no blame (After Abortion). Abortion is murder no matter what or for what reason you feel the right to have abortion it is a crime. A crime that should not be accepted in this world. A women should not have the right to murder their baby knowing how an abortion is really like their no doubt that is not a murder because it is. People will always figure it out later on and understand when they start suffering from abortion and when this happens they will know it was a murder from it’s own

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