Pro Life Research Paper On Abortion

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Abortion (Pro-Life) Research Paper Abortion controversies have been around since before the Supreme Court decision in 1973, during the Roe v. Wade case, which gave women the right to an abortion (Desanctis). Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy, which kills the fetus in the woman’s womb. Women and men around the world argue whether or not abortion should be legal. Factors of their decision include the morality and integrity of an abortion, or the rights of the woman with child. Although women should and do have rights, abortion should not be one of their rights. Abortion should be banned, not only because it causes the unborn baby pain as it dies, but women also can develop PASS after having had an abortion, and killing a human, whether …show more content…

Scientific advances in medical technology allow doctors and parents to see the unborn babies. Humanizing qualities like claps, smiles, and even muscle movements can be seen. Dismemberment abortion, a procedure unborn babies often go under after twenty weeks, rips the body into pieces and suctions the pieces out of the woman’s uterus. This procedure causes the fetus excruciating pain for its last moments alive (Green). Abortion should be banned, especially if the woman is twenty weeks or further, considering the pain the fetus would experience as it dies. Over fifty million legal abortions, including many dismemberment, have been performed since 1973, not including the one million illegal abortions that occur each year. In October of 2017, the PCUCPA, or Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, was passed by the House of Representatives, now just waiting to be passed by Senate. This act would ban abortion of unborn babies after twenty weeks of a woman’s pregnancy. The PCUCPA could save up to 18,000 unborn children a year (Nussman). By passing this act, thousands of unborn babies could be saved each year, limiting the amount of procedures that cause pain and death of a human

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