Argument Against Abortion

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Aborting an Unborn Child Is Unethical No Matter What the Stage of Pregnancy Is Introduction Is abortion ethical? This has been one of the most controversial debates in both the social and political arenas for the past several decades and to this day there is still no mutual clarification. The major dispute between pro-life and pro-choice centers around the uncertainty of what stage of pregnancy an unborn fetus can be considered a human being. It is not impossible to comprehend why pro-choice advocates would argue that abortion is ethical as long as the unborn child has not reached the gestational age of being a viable human being that displays brain function, but it is equally important to understand that an unborn child is composed of human DNA from the moment of fertilization and has the capacity to become a healthy human being if allowed to continue the developmental process. Although, a fetus is not viable and cannot survive on its own outside of the womb until around 23 weeks of pregnancy, life starts the moment a sperm meets and ovum and develops a zygote and to abort this tiny human being would be unethical. Main Argument P1: It is unethical to kill a human being. P2: Zygotes are human beings. P3: Abortion kills a zygote. …show more content…

As stated in premise one it is unethical to kill a human being, this simply refers to the act of murder and murder is indisputably wrong. Premise two indicates that zygotes are human beings; zygotes are what develop the moment a human sperm comes in contact with a human egg. The third premise simply points out that abortion kills a zygote. Abortion is defined as terminating a pregnancy and to do so would mean to kill a zygote. When these three premises are paired together they force the valid conclusion that aborting a pregnancy during any stage would be