
Why We Shouldn T Abortion Be Allowed

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Abortions a have high rates in different states in the United States of America. I believe that abortions shouldn’t be allowed, but under exceptions. Those exceptions are; only if the mother have health complications that can kill her, if the baby have health complications, and won’t be able to be conceived, and if the mother of the baby is raped. My argument is that you shouldn't do abortion unless you in a position where you got no family, friends, or money to support yourself first. If you have no money to support yourself what makes you think you can handle bringing a baby or babies in your world. Having an abortion is a very serious thing, because first they mess with stuff in your bodies like you for example your organs, liver, in your …show more content…

government. Babies have a right to live and a right to be somebody one day as well. It is wrong to take your own kids life and not want it to become something one day you would have been proud of. You also get massive spinal reflex pain; it also causes psychological damage. Even teenage females get subsequence depression. Females also intend to kill themselves after abortion, the rate is 32.7 a year. Abortions also reduces the adoptable babies that a couple can’t have. For examples, gay marriages, females that can’t have kids, etc. If a woman does the actions she does, she should except the responsibilities that come in having a child, she had caused the actions, she had done what she had done. Unless it’s in a forced situation and couldn’t do much about it, and if she didn’t want it because of that accident. Fetuses feel pain during the abortion procedure. Most primitive response to pain, the spinal reflex, is developed by eight weeks’ gestation, and adds that there is universal agreement that pain is detected by the fetus in the first trimester. If the fetus is beyond 20 weeks of gestation, I would assume that there will be pain cause to the fetus. And I believe it will be severe and excruciating pain. Abortion is the killing of a human being, which defies the word of God. The Bible does not draw a distinction between fetuses and babies. The bible refers to both an unborn child and an infant. fetuses and babies. By the time …show more content…

Not caring women kill their child, because they can’t take care of their responsibilities, or that they aren’t ready to be a parent. There are some marriages in the world that are suffering because the women can’t have kids, and the husband want to have kids. Although, he probably knew the circumstance of his wife not being able to have a baby before they got married. So, to me abortion will not be an option to an unwilling mother. Adoption rates are going down because there is to many people having abortions. Women that can’t conceive their own child, will eventually adopt. There are too many children in the world that don’t have parents., and I’m sure they would be grateful to have parent. Because I am grateful for my mother and father. All the children that are conceived in this world should have awesome, loving parents, that are willing to take excellent care of them. A life is a life no matter the circumstances of what people are going through. A baby should not come to the world unwanted, because if her/him parents don’t want him/she wants the baby is going to be living in a home or someone he/she is not cared for or

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