Abortion Pro Life Essay

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“Legal abortion promotes a culture in which life is disposable.” (Pro and con: Abortion 2022 Life's Worth) Abortion being legal makes life not so valuable. Several individuals do not look at the significance that life brings. Individual women who get an abortion suffer from multiple diagnoses. Life used to be valued differently and with respect. Abortion is not only a termination of an innocent human being you have created but can put the mother in harm, too. Situational abortions, health, human rights, and after procedures are valid arguments for why abortion should not be legal.
Several human beings who get pregnant understand the consequence of meaning or meaningless intercourse, life should be valued and cherished. Several teens and women who are in early maidenhood have meaningless intercourse, which can lead to pregnancy. Unless a person is raped, they understand the consequence …show more content…

The innocence and respect that a child who did not ask to be brought into this world matters. “No one, therefore, has the right to take away human life; instead we have the duty to care for it, to protect it, and to defend it.” (Ibegbu Rights of the unborn child in international law Rights) Each baby that is created deserves the rights they can not fight for therefore we as free people have the responsibility to give them that right. We should want to give them a better life than we have ourselves. Roe v Wade was a decision made by the U.S supreme which set people to make the decision if they wanted they could have an abortion depending on the stage. “ The government retained the power to regulate or restrict abortion access depending on the stage of pregnancy.” (Norden et al. Roe v. Wade and Supreme Court abortion cases Roe v Wade) A baby who is about to enter this world and breathe on its own should not be killed. Several families pray for a miracle baby at every given