Why Abortion Should Be Illegal Research Paper

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Cheyenne Hamilton 4th Block 21 April 2017 Why Abortion Should be Illegal Abortion should be illegal. No child deserves to be murdered without even the slightest chance at life. All of the pain that was put upon the growing fetus all because the mother decided that his life was useless, not to mention the physical and emotional pain caused to the mother. The child is literally being torn apart limb by limb all while his tiny, fragile bones are being crushed. But that’s not even the worse part, just wait until they get to his head it’s painful for both of you. Why people decide to do this, I will never understand. No child deserves to be killed, born or unborn. You are taking someone’s life. The poor innocent baby just doesn’t know any better …show more content…

They are literally just vacuuming him out of you. They first have to insert the vacuum, which sounds painful. But, when they start to extract the baby, they tear him apart limb by limb, crushing all of his bones, and putting both of you through pain. But if you thought that was painful, just wait until they crush his skull (How are Late). They make it basically explode inside your body and that’s what really hurts. Then when you get home and start thinking about it you will have a guilty conscious. Did you really want to brutally murder the wonder life that was growing inside of you? All of that physical and emotional pain for …show more content…

All that comes from it is a lot of physical and mental pain. Abortion is just a quick way to get rid of a child that you willingly create and choose to kill because you don’t want it. Unless, of course you’re a rape victim or your body can’t physically handle it. Even the president of the United States is against abortion. Refer to Emily Bazelon’s article “Trump’s Abortion Strategy.” (Bazelon) If my article doesn’t change or influence your opinion on abortion the refer to the article “Should Abortion be Legal” (Should Abortion) for some pros and cons. Abortion should never be an