The Controversy Surrounding Abortion

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Abortion is defined as the purposeful termination of a fetus, either naturally or medically (Abortion 2). In this instance, an unborn fetus is killed either through natural causes such as a miscarriage, or by medically induced methods which are assisted by medical professionals. (McFall 188). Medically induced methods are the most controversial of the two because a mother cannot control the natural circumstances of abortion, but medically induced methods are controlled by the mothers who hold full responsibility for ending their unborn child’s life. The question in discussion is, why is abortion legal if a fetus is being denied a life? Supporters believe abortion is the right of woman; however, abortion dismisses the fetus a well-deserved life …show more content…

Many believe women who are victims of sexual assault or rape should receive pity or become an exception as to why abortion should be allowed (Beckworth and Geisler 81). The hardships and emotional damage the rapist inflicts on the victim should not be taken out on the unborn child because they were not held responsible for any physical or emotional trauma the victims receive (Beckworth and Geisler 81). Mothers who abort their children as a result of rape need to realize that the short-term effects of rape might end, but the long-term effects will always be instilled (Beckworth and Geisler 85). In fact, mothers who decide to continue with abortion often feel empty for weeks or months down the road, like they have killed a part of themselves, and technically, they have because the aborted child held some of the same characteristics and traits the mother holds. Even though rape victims believe abortion is the only way to end the trauma, they should consider all of the possible medical threats medicinal induced abortions cause. Medicinal induced abortions can cause mothers the risk of infertility, while also running the risk of dying during the abortion procedure (Pros 4). Even though abortions are ethically wrong, in the instance of rape or incest abortions might be necessary in the events that the mother or fetus’ health could be in danger (Pros 3). In the course of rape or sexual assault, victims are forced to have sexual relations which they have no control over, and it is very understandable as to why they do not want the child when the child could possibly resemble to rapist or could withdraw extremely painful memories of the incident while posing life-threatening risks to the mother’s health (Pros 3). However, only five percent of rape incidents lead to the victim becoming pregnant so if a woman falls into this fifth percentile, she should accept the trauma as a challenge and overcome the odds (Three

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