• Women do not always choose to have unprotected sex. Coercion, manipulation, rape and the abuse of alcohol and other drugs can deny a woman her right to act freely or use contraception. • An abortion performed safely with no complications will not reduce a woman’s future fertility. • Abortion does not cause ongoing emotional distress for most
Abortion is full of excuses, going against God’s will, and murder. America should reconsider the laws and regulations of the countries soon to be mothers. Because abortion is a deliberate termination of a human life, women should not legally have the option to choose one. Making excuses for reasons a mother can kill her baby is wrong. For example, a mother having a baby she doesn’t want is no excuse to end a life.
Women have reported severe depression and suicidal thoughts and attempts. Researchers from the University of California in San Francisco have found that women who are denied abortions fare significantly less well than those who did receive abortions (Geier, par. 3). The same researchers concluded that women denied abortions are much more likely to need public financial assistance, and have a household income below poverty level. (Geier, par. 9). The American Psychological Association (APA) review found that severe negative psychological reactions to abortion are rare and that the vast majority of women experience a mixture of emotions after an abortion, with positive feelings predominating (NARAL
It left them sick, made them unable to have anymore children and in some serious cases resulted in their deaths, and even after so much suffering many women remained pregnant. Yet, not only was it the controversial practice of abortions that Planned Parenthood was offering, but also contraceptives that ultimately eliminated a vast need for abortions as well. Their steady supplying of contraceptives and the organization’s goal to educate women about safe sex helped lower not only teen pregnancies but unwanted ones as
These women have no regrets, no remorse, and are happy they had this choice available. But a growing number of women are speaking up about how abortion affected them
They may also argue that late-term abortion causes more stress and emotions on the mother. Or that it can cause depression, anxiety, PTSD and insomnia or disturbing dreams. Little do they know that it is not scientifically proven that those things are caused by late-term abortion. The effects of late-term abortion are depression and anxiety, but the rest of the “effects” can be caused by factors from the mother’s past traumatic experiences (APA.org). That being said, the effects of late-term abortion are blown far out of proportion in just another effort of scaring young women away from making their own decisions about their own uterus’.
Most people would think that losing a baby can conjure up a whole lot of problems a mental disability’s including me. Yet from doing hard research on this this I understand that now that most women do not regret are remorse the fact that they got an abortion according to Lisa Tolin, she writes, “Contrary to popular belief, women who have abortions may experience little or no long-term psychological trauma. In a study meant to examine how such factors as race and ethnicity influence the psychological after-effects of abortions, psychologists Nancy Felipe Russo Ph.D.. of Arizona State University, and Amy Dabul, Ph.D., of Phoenix College, found that the best clue to a woman 's mental well-being after an abortion is her state of mind before the pregnancy--in particular her level of self-esteem. In other words, those who found the procedure traumatic were generally troubled long before they showed up at an abortion clinic. In fact, Dabul and Russo contend that much of the stress experienced by women who get abortions may stem not from the procedure itself but from the simple fact that the pregnancy is unwanted.”
Instead of having an abortion, women can choose a more beneficial option, such as giving the baby up for adoption. When women decide to get an abortion, they don’t think about adoption because of the long process, even though it can help other families who can’t have children. For example “It’s logical that anti-abortion organizations seeking to prevent abortions and promote traditional family structures would aggressively promote adoption, but this connection is often overlooked…”(Joyce). Many women that get pregnant with an unwanted child usually look into having an abortion first rather than going through the long process of pregnancy and giving the baby up for adoption. Furthermore, “In President Obama 's speech… he suggested that one solution to lowering abortion rates is making abortion more available”(Joyce).
My stance on abortion is that it should be illegal, unless there are health risks involved, major ones. Other than that, I really do not feel you should get an abortion. There is always adoption. If you do not want the baby, then give it to someone who does.
Teen pregnancy is an epidemic that has swept the nation for many years now. A quarter in all teen pregnancies result in abortion. According to abortion statistics there are three reasons for choosing abortion: "A baby would intervene in their daily lives like work, school, or other responsibilities. They could not afford a baby, and one half of women who get an abortion say they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their partner. "(Guttmacher
For example, finds out whether continuing or terminating a pregnancy cause greater physical or psychological harms and risks to the mother. On the other hand, Bonevski & Adams (2001) further added that abortion may expose the mother to grief and regret. As such, it is important to gain mother’s consent before making the decision. Apart from that, in resolving slightly similar case study of 18 years old student was referred in view of her request for termination of pregnancy. She was gang-raped and found out she is pregnant.
Abortion is when a pregnancy is ended so that it doesn 't result in the birth of a child. Sometimes it is called termination of pregnancy. cares for women with an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy. We treat thousands of women who 've decided that abortion is the right choice for them, and give advice and counselling to women who don 't know what to do next. The essential methods for taking a gander at the issue of abortion is most effortlessly sorted into five noteworthy focuses, lawful priority, conception prevention issues, human rights, religion and when life starts.
Abortion Abortion is the ending of pregnancy by abolishing a fetus or embryo before it can survive outside the uterus. Abortion is a very controversial topic, for example, one side of this topic believes abortion is cruel and committing murder, while the other side believes that since the fetus or embryo isn 't developed enough to be considered a living human being yet, that abortion is not commiting murder. Despite this information, there is a lot more to abortion than the opinion of it being “right” or “wrong”. According to “Students for life” who are pro life, about 1 million abortions are executed each year in the US. That data adds up to 22% of pregnancies ending in abortion.
This is built by appealing to the emotions that if minors are allowed to take such decisions autonomously, they are prevented from taking consultation from their parents and hence may act boldly taking the wrong decision. This argument seeks to identify the parents’ emotional reactions but it cannot be a justification for denying a minor’s autonomy. 2) Another reason given by the author is that most of the patients in case of teenage abortion have traumatic post-abortion complications which lead to suicidal thoughts in them. The evidence cited is an equivocation which wrongly equates the percentage of gynecologists treating patients with post-abortion complications to the percentage of patients actually ending up with such trauma. Further, it supposes that the consent has not been taken or no consultation has been done before the abortion.
Abortion has been a controversial issue in our society. The options are which path to take in life. The two paths we have to take or to choose from are give the child a chance to live or to be a teenage parent or having an abortion. In the young age of a pregnant women will be the hardest part of her life and when she doesn’t think that she can deal with the fact that she will having a child in young age the only way that she will take would be to get an abortion. The fetus will be decide to abort by their mother resulting in or caused by its death.