Argumentative Essay On Christianity And Abortion

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Teen pregnancy is an epidemic that has swept the nation for many years now. A quarter in all teen pregnancies result in abortion. According to abortion statistics there are three reasons for choosing abortion: "A baby would intervene in their daily lives like work, school, or other responsibilities. They could not afford a baby, and one half of women who get an abortion say they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their partner."(Guttmacher Institute).

Does the reasoning for teen abortion differ from women who are older? A 2004 Medical Science Monitor states that "sixty-four percent of women felt pressured into an abortion. For teens it was most likely because they were seen as unfit to raise a child." If a parent …show more content…

I believe that if a church uses my PowerPoint in a bible study group for ages between 15-20 then young adults will understand how Christianity corresponds with abortion. If given the statistics on abortion, it will raise awareness. The scriptures incorporated in the PowerPoint will give the women an opportunity to decide on whether or not they believe abortion is considered the murder of a fetus. The debate on whether or not the bible considers a fetus a person is up for debate due to the contradictions that are shown in many parts of the …show more content…

Since most teens are pressured into abortions, if parents or guardians understand the emotional and psychological toll it takes on teens they will hopefully be more likely to find an alternative option. A pressured abortion could result in many emotional issues and in many cases can be linked to substance abuse. I believe that teens who are forced into abortion do not know how to handle the emotionally draining process that had took place, so in order to feel better they begin drinking or using

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