Abortion Vs Pro Life Essay

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No issue, maybe in the history of modern day American politics has so divided people as that of abortion. Since its legalization in 1973, abortion has not never stopped being a hotly debated topic both on Pennsylvania ave and Main Avenue. On opposing sides of the divide are pro-choice and pro-life. Prochoice believing the abortion ought to be legal and Pro Life believing abortion ought to be outlawed. By seeing the differences in how both prochoice and prolife respond to issues regarding unplanned pregnancy, it is easy to see that the pro-choice outlook is more practical.

Pregnancy, (not that I would know) can be a marvelous experience for a woman assuming she was expecting to get pregnant. However, for too many women it is an unexpected burden. 51% of all pregnancies in the U.S are unplanned (www.guttmacher.org), Prochoicers realize this discrepancy. Not every baby conceived is a baby that was supposed to be born in the first place. Hence for all these reasons prochoicers would say, there will always …show more content…

Following, if contraception fails and a child is produced, you will look at that child as an inconvenience since one was not expecting a child.
4. Now your unexpected child is an unplanned pregnancy. the same unplanned pregnancy abortion providers cite when people need abortions.
5. Now abortion will seem like a vyable solution to your unplanned pregnancies

Hence, using contraception creates the pathway to having an abortion. However, if one went into sex knowing a woman could get pregnant and that (or not have sex during the fertile period) a child may be produced, one will not be surprised if a child is produced and the infant will not seem like a burden since it was not unexpected and hence no abortion is required. (www.lifesitenews.com) Of course however, in our modern society that and praises sexual promiscuity sans consequences, this lofty rational may not work for the majority of people who, in truth, are presumably just satisfying

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