Abortion Vs Pro Life Essay

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Pro-life and Pro-choice is a debate that many have questions to but in fact may not have real answers. When it comes down to it can be debated as social issue or a moral issue. Many Christians such as myself believe that it morally wrong to have an abortion because of killing of a unborn fetus. They also say it’s not right for women to have that choice of having an abortion. Pro-life believes that abortion is wrong and every fetus has the right to be born. Also, when it comes down to certain situations in a woman life or even a young girl when does it become morally or ethically wrong if a woman has been raped.
This topic in my opinion is a sensitive subject because I myself have lived through the task of making a decision that I ulitmately …show more content…

Nobody should be killed for the crime of another person. Abortion does not undo or mitigate the rape, and there is evidence that abortion further compounds the harm that has already been done to her. Pro-choice says if a woman is raped then compassion demands that she be allowed to abort. I think both arguments are well supported but we have to look at the physical and mental capacity of a person who is raped. Will she be able to handle carrying around a person yes who is innocent and being also a constant remainder on how he or she was conceived and what will she have to tell the child when she ask where is her father. A woman may not be mentally strong enough to endure seeing a child that was created not by love . Not to say she couldn’t but we don’t know if the woman can live with that for the rest of her life. If the women decides to abort a rape it may feel like a relief because it is her child so regardless there will be pain either way so there are no right or wrong situation to me if she does or