Abortion Vs Pro Life Essay

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Abortion has been a highly controversial topic, within the United States due to the two viewpoints of pro-life and pro-choice. The pro-life people believe that the fetus is a fully living being with the right to be alive while the pro-choice side talks about how women have the right to choose abortion and how important abortion can be for stem cell research. Abortion should be easily accessible in all states of the United States. Abortion is something that all women should have the right to, they should have the right to choice since it is their own body and they should be able to make decisions as to what happens to their body. Abortion can help lower the number of unwanted and uncared for children in the United States which is from lowered numbers of children that are put up for adoption. Abortion can also be highly important since it plays a key role in stem cell research which can help improve or save existing lives. The pro-life …show more content…

Along with having a choice of abortion they also deserve the right to ease of access to safe abortion. This is just a right that is deserved since they are the ones that are in control of their bodies and reproductive organs and the ones that should be. Having the right to abortion is about the equivalent of a man having the right to getting a vasectomy. Some states have implemented laws where abortion can be determined by the woman’s husband or parents depending on their current living situation but the choice should still be solely up to the woman if she is able to make the decision. “A Pennsylvania law now being reviewed by the Supreme Court requires married women to notify their husbands in order to get an abortion. This law also requires that women receive counseling on "alternatives" to abortion and then be required to wait 24 hours before they are allowed to have an abortion.”

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