The Pros And Cons Of Abortion

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One of the largest and most talked about issues in today’s time is that of abortion. Is it moral? Should it be a crime? People face the debate with such passion and devotion to their side that, at times, it is extremely hard to get a straight answer. This being said, abortion is not evil and should not be looked at as such. A woman’s bodily integrity cannot be dictated by legislation, it is purely up to the recipient on whether they want that medical care, and punitive abortion laws violate basic human rights. There should be absolutely no limitation that the law can put on a woman’s body when it comes to medical care. The choice of getting an abortion is complicated and personal and legislation just could never understand those reasons. …show more content…

Studies have shown that the 20 week mark is when unborn infants can begin to feel pain and still have the potential to thrive in the world if born premature. “Micah Pickering was a premature baby born at the 20 week mark and due to that received intensive medical care and is now a healthy young child” (Burke). Even though this seems like a reasonable solution, you cannot place a time limit on this process. Before the abortion takes place a woman has to meet with a doctor to discuss the options she has, then go through many exams and lab tests before they can start discussing the correct way to continue. Depending on where the woman goes to meet with a doctor, making an appointment isn’t as simple as a normal check up. In most situations the only option is to go through planned parenthood which can be very difficult to get an appointment in a timely manner. By the time the woman realizes she’s pregnant and gets an appointment through planned parenthood, to just get information and not to take any action, it may be past the 20 week mark. The solution is not as simple as setting a time limitation so this is not the direction we should be going