
Arguments Against Planned Parenthood

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Recent claims have been made by an anti-abortion group, The Center for Medical Progress, that the women’s health organization Planned Parenthood harvests and sells fetal organs from the abortions they perform. This has led to overwhelming responses against Planned Parenthood, including a very large push to defund the organization. In fact, bills have been introduced or passed in the House of Representatives or the Senate that would prevent Planned Parenthood from receiving federal funds. Even though this movement is gaining quick response, the accusations against Planned Parenthood are unsupported and biased. These attacks are unjust and are less about the possible corruption of the organization than about stopping their abortion services. …show more content…

According to their 2013-2014 annual report, Planned Parenthood provided 865,721 pap tests and breast exams, 3,577,348 birth control information and services, and 4,470,597 tests and treatments for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Out of all their services, STI/STD testing and treatment made up 42%, contraception made up 34%, other women’s health services made up 11%, cancer screenings and prevention made up 9%, and abortion made up 3%. The last 1% is noted as “Other Services”, which can include various miscellaneous services that do not fall into the other categories. It is clear from these statistics that abortions, which only make up 3% of services, is not the main focus, and that there are so many other helpful services that can help people prevent the spread of STIs and STDs, provide important contraception, and identify and prevent cancer. Also, abortions are not always a choice. In some cases, it can be necessary because of health complications. In other cases, women have been raped, and need the option of abortion. However, people should not need to have medical complications or be pregnant as a result of rape to utilize Planned Parenthood’s abortion services. It is a personal decision that only an individual can make, because women have the right to decide whether or not they are ready to have …show more content…

The abortion pill is an option which is used up to 9 weeks after a patient’s last period, however, abortion pills cannot be used past 49 days in some states. If the abortion pill is no longer an option, or the patient does not wish to use the abortion pill, in-clinic abortions can be used. In-clinic abortions can be either aspiration or dilation and evacuation. Aspiration is most common, and is usually used up to 16 weeks after the patient’s last period, whereas dilation and evacuation can be used past the 16 week mark. Although it can be used past 16 weeks, many providers will not perform abortions past the first trimester, and abortions cannot usually be performed after 24 weeks unless there are serious medical complications. After an abortion, the patient also has the option of donating fetal tissue to medical research. It is legal for Planned Parenthood to donate this tissue, as long as they receive no profit as a result. This means that they can ask for costs such as storage and shipment to be covered by the people who are receiving the

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