
Essay On Planned Parenthood

488 Words2 Pages

Since the election of Donald Trump as President, there have already been many changes in our country. Many of them in support of ending programs such as Planned Parenthood, which sometimes provides abortions but more often provides sexual health services. Unfortunately, many of these changes are not beneficial to a majority of citizens, especially those considered vulnerable. Women, minorities, and those with lower socioeconomic status may have a harder time maintaining good sexual health. Often limited access to health services due to lack of financial resources, health insurance, transportation and health service facilities contributes to increased rates of sexually transmitted diseases.
Planned Parenthood provides “essential health services like contraception, prenatal care, cancer screenings and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases.” These services effectively help reduce the amount of morbidity concerning sexual health. Despite this, many politicians want to eliminate Planned Parenthood and other programs like it due to the abortive services that are offered at some facilities. The controversial issue of abortion, as polarizing as it is, should not be the only focus. Many people are left out of the conversation …show more content…

Programs like Planned Parenthood help reverse as well as prevent some of this overrepresentation in impoverished and minority populations, however, “defunding Planned Parenthood would disproportionately endanger the health and lives of black and Hispanic women [minority] who are more likely to receive health care through federal programs like Medicaid.” This greatly affects the hundreds of thousands of people who rely on Planned Parenthood as a primary source of health

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