The Pros And Cons Of Abortion As A Murder

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In criterion on the good and the bad the acceptable or not, the permissible or not what is moral, or evil is in a constant change. What for one is normal for the other is not and the subject I mean is something very delicate in our current. Abortion constitutes an important moral problem of our day. The relaxation of the laws against it, in many countries, and propaganda in favor have put it to the order of the day. Their discussion is well feared for some not being so for others based on different arguments. This applies if the patient wants it and along with his family accepts, applying the Bentham’s Felicific Calculus. This is an algorithm formulated by Jeremy Bentham, to calculate the degree of happiness that causes a specific action, and …show more content…

Those who are in favor raise Q talk about abortion as a murder is absurd, because the human fetus is not a human being. Indeed, it is either part of the mother, susceptible to being treated like any other appendix, or is a separate living being, within the mother, but has not yet reached the human condition. In the first case it can be eliminated from the mother's body as an undesirable growth. In the second case, it can be taken out of a medium exactly for the same reason that we kill animals or other subhuman life forms. They also allege that the fetus is a human being or not, this is a question that no one can decide, since there can be no experimental evidence of the moment when it receives a human soul. Many moderns say, that is at the time of conception, but an ancient and medieval theory honorable said, that a few weeks later. Since there can be no certainty about this, we have to resort to the odds. We can act, therefore, based on the probability that the fetus is not a human and end up, for good reason, pregnancy. Abortion opponents like me believe that these arguments do not convince, especially since they do not care about the interests of the child. All biological tests confirm the fact that the human fetus is simply human. The fertilized egg has the human chromosome pattern, which contains all the hereditary factors, and cannot be developed as something other than a human being. In addition, biologists attest unanimously that fetal life is different from the mother's life, although the two are united during the gestation period. Thus, any analogy with the surgical removal of tumors or the death of animals is irrelevant to the case of abortion. Aristotle believed that the embryo does not become human after conception, and perhaps that is why it did not see any evil in early abortion. Saint Thomas accepted Aristotle's opinion as a probable physical theory, but he

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