Liberalism In The United States

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The government has liberals and the Conservation, both service a purpose to the citizens of the United States. Liberals stand for defending are freedoms, such as helping the sick, protecting are rights as citizens. Like are civil liberties for the individuals and are human rights as citizens. So an Activist for the people if you will or someone to stand up for are rights, beliefs, and the good of the people on issues is needed. Matters that people who represent liberalism can address as citizens. We as citizens can’t do it all, we have a say or vote on issues. Also on matters that are important to us as individuals in this country. Although we need a more powerful voice to stand up and represent it. Liberalism is for political issues or matters …show more content…

I personally believe that a women shouldn’t have that right, I believe as conservatives believe it is murder and needs to be over turned and changed. Also the government is having tax payer dollars pay for what they consider murder, that’s pretty messed up. Maybe in my opinion if the government wouldn’t pay for it, less people would have abortion, because they couldn’t afford it. Also a partial birth abortion conservatives are against. At twenty weeks it’s a full grown baby, if it wasn’t then why would they use forceps to pull the baby out of the mother. It just bottles my mind how this could be even considered to be done at 20 weeks. What are they thinking? I realize this is a person’s right and choice to choose. That’s why we have the Republican and democrat party. This issue shouldn’t even be up for debate, it shouldn’t be allowed. At 4months you get a sonogram and it’s a full baby. Well I guess that why we have the choice to pick the party we stand for. Liberalism believe that abortion should be the women’s right, after all it’s her body and her choice to decide what to do with it. Liberalism believe that the baby is not one but a fetus, so this is not murder. They state that the government needs to protect the rights of the women. There even for partial birth abortions. …show more content…

They believe the government should step in and pay for Americans in need. Also provided sliding scales for people who have a job, but can’t afford the full price. Conservative believe the government should not control health care. Conservative are for everyone to get private insurance and not rely on the government to pay. Liberal are against gun control unless it’s for the National Guard. Liberals do not think guns are necessary to protect one’s self. They believe that’s what the police and military are for. I agree that having the right to bear arms does cause more crime. In my opinion look at it now, there’s people robbing banks, people doing drive by shootings. Kids that murder their parents, even are children aren’t safe in their own schools. When I went to schools there was no security guards at the door, or you didn’t have to get buzzed in. Or cameras in the schools. The world has changed and we need to consider this, when this issue comes

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