Bob Johnson Should Abortion Be Legal Summary

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A woman should be able to do whatever she wants to her body. In addition, the growing organism inside of her is a completely separate individual who is dependent on its mother. In the article, “Should Abortion Be Legal?” by Bob Johnson, he makes a claim saying that, “All people have a right to do to their own bodies what they will. However, the fetus, or unborn baby, is a distinct individual. Even though it resides inside its mother, it is a separate entity genetically.” A pregnant woman who wishes to abort her able should have the right to do so without undergoing any legal cases. The government is not an individual who is carrying a developing child in their bodies, so they have no right in saying what a pregnant woman can or cannot do what she wants with the baby. Johnson also claims that, “...a woman has a right to do as she wishes to her own body…” If a woman decided to get a tattoo or piercing or even have her blood donated to a hospital, then why is abortion considered to be different from these other scenarios? The fetus …show more content…

The author of the article, “Abortion: Every Woman’s Right,” Sharon Smith, explains that, “It was clear that, without control over their own reproductive lives, women couldn't be the equals of men--no matter what advances women made in the job market or in higher education.” As she had said, no control over a woman’s own body is already another way in the long list as to why women will sometimes ever be equal to men. Men have so many privileges in society, but a woman cannot even terminate of an undesired, future child. Not legalizing abortion means that a woman has to take care of a baby that she probably cannot financially support and does not want due to her own reasons, which can lead to more illegal methods of getting rid of the child. “...all women deserve the right to control their own bodies, without interference from