Bob Johnson On Abortion Research Paper

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How could one believe elective abortion isn’t murder? By definition, abortion is the termination of a pregnancy resulting in the death of an embryo or a fetus. “At present, every two seconds about fifty million babies are aborted. Over half of all the women having abortions are in their twenties,” stated Bob Johnson, in his article,” Should Abortion Be Illegal. Abortion should be illegal. The problem is certain people don’t believe in killing an innocent child, a human being. Today, many people debate on abortion. Some may ask, “why kill an innocent child, an innocent baby?” Then again, many people believe that the fetus isn’t alive until the heart starts to beat, or the fifth month of pregnancy. The babies eyes start to develop and move at the third week of pregnancy. At four weeks the heart …show more content…

Finally, at nine weeks, the body is 90% developed. The 14th amendment states, “every man or human being has the right to be equal in regard to the basic right to life.” “Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being” with some level of intent according to the law. Which side would you be on? Pro life or abortion? “All people have the right too their own bodies, what they will,” states Bob Johnson. Like the article said before, murder is illegal. How is it that someone can murder an innocent baby and nothing happen to them, but if someone murders a woman that is pregnant, it is considered two fatalities and they serve two life sentences? More than 50 million abortions take place each year. Abortion is a very touchy subject because of all the different ways you can look at it. These are some statists on the abortion world. In 2011, about 1.06 million abortions took place in the U.S. 1.21 million abortions took place in 2008. 1.29 million abortions took place in 2002, 1.31 million in abortions in 2000 and 1.36 million abortions took place in 1996. From 1973- 2011, about 53