
What Is Abortion Considered Murder

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What is murder? Murder is the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another. Although, there are some people who do not care for others. However, the killing of a fetus is yet to be considered murder or not. The truth is that abortion is considered murder because its taking life away, defies the word of god and if they're human.

To begin with, abortion is considered murder because its taking one's life away. To explain, Mirriam-Websters Dictionary defines murder as the unlawful killing of another human being with malice aforethought. Although, many pregnant don’t have that malice aforethought it's still the unlawful killing of another human being. Also, "Abortion is more serious than killing an adult because an adult may or may not be innocent but taking an unborn child is most definitely innocent". However, abortion has been performed in colonial America, it was not considered illegal or immoral. In Great Britain a fetus was not considered living or a human being until the fetus started to move. But later years Countries started trying to outlaw abortion because they started seeing it as murder. Therefore, abortion murder because they are taking a child's life away. …show more content…

To elaborate, before people at any point recorded common law, God figured out what determine s kill. In light of scripture, an appropriate definition would be the resolute unjustified slaughter of an honest individual. Also, in the bible it states "Thou shall not Kill" that is for both man and child including fetus. In the word of god, it states thou shall not kill therefore killing fetus is considered murder. Murder has been here ever since the beginning of creation and is a universal moral wrong that applies to all people, in all cultures in every era in

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