Don Marquis And J Thomson On Abortion

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The act of murder is a serious crime in the United States. The act is seen as an immoral act against humanity. Abortions are often put in the same category of murder. Many women are shunned and ashamed by society for choosing to get the procedure done. Thus, abortions get associated with the immoral act of murder when abortion is not immoral at all. Abortions are one of the most important decisions that a woman can make about her own body. Her choice to keep or not keep the fetus is morally permissible and should be protected. Don Marquis and J.J. Thomson discuss the mortality of a woman having an abortion. Marquis argues against it while Thomson argues for it in certain circumstances. Thomson’s argument is convincing while Marquis’ argument …show more content…

This comes down to the rights of the people involved in the killing. In terms of abortion the rights of the mother to her own body are challenged by the rights of the fetus to the mother’s body. I believe that in most situations that the mother’s choice will always come before the choice of the child. If the mother is making a serious decision based upon her circumstances, while using her own morals and ethics then the decision resulting would be moral. Abortion is usually a last resort, or a type of self-defense, for the mother to take back her own body and live the way she chooses. Who are we to tell her that she can’t be in charge of herself? Why does a fetus more important? The fetus can’t take care of itself. It is very dependent upon the mother for everything and sometimes the mother is not in the position to help the child. For example, why would it be morally impermissible for a woman to abort a child that may cause the death of her? The woman, like the hero in the horror story, has the right to fight off her attacker. It is totally within her right to abort the fetus to save her life (and maybe even the life of others that may be heavily impacted by her death). This killing is in the defense of the mother. This right should be protected and it is morally acceptable. Our care should go to protecting the life that is already living instead of the life that …show more content…

The top three reasons are that having a child would interfere with a woman’s education, work or ability to care for dependents, she could not afford a baby now or she didn’t want to be a single mother or was having relationship problems. These reasons are not illogical and irrational reasons. They are thought through reasons that the mother has come up with. I believe this would allow for abortions to be morally permissible. The mother is not just using abortions without thought to how this will affect her body and life. She is deciding based upon what she needs and doesn’t need in her life. The mother is not making the decision to kill the fetus just because she had a whim and thought it would be fun. Many people think about the fetus but not about how the mother is expected to care for it inside and outside of her