Why Abortion Should Be Illegal Research Paper

686 Words3 Pages

Abortion: Why it should be illegal.


Abortion is the deliberate termination of human pregnancy, most often performed in the first 28 weeks of pregnancy, but a fetus has a heart beat after 3 weeks, one day after fertilization is when the little heart starts to beat. If something has a heart beat it has a right to life and protection. A woman has the "right" to choose if her child lives or dies, but what about the baby? Doesn’t the baby get a say? Abortion is a horrible, deadly act that kills innocent children before they are even brought into this world. It's inhumane to do such an act and that's why abortion should be illegal in all cases.

Abortion denies the fetus the right to life s safe guarded un the U.S. Constitution. The right to life the constitution guarantees and protects everyone with a heartbeat, the right to life, so why does it not matter for an unborn child with a beating heart? People may say, that it is a fetus and not an actual human being yet, but didn't two humans make that "fetus", the answer is yes, so that makes the child a human being. The right to life is a human right recognized as deserving protection in law and policy. The human rights of all members of the human family- without expectation- were recognized in 1948 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including …show more content…

God put the baby in you for a reason. He made you a woman because he knew you had the capability to raise that child. You may say you're not killing it because you're destroying the body not the soul and the aborted child is in heaven. But, in Luke chapter 1, versus 36 and 41, we are told that Elisabeth asked for a "son" and that the "babe" leaped in her womb. God does not say that a "fetus" has leaped in her womb he says, "BABE" leaped. This is how God described Christ after he was born. In Gods eyes a born and unborn baby are the same. God says life begins before you are even brought into this