Thomson Arguments Against Abortion

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Abortion is one of the most debated topics in the United States today, some people are in favor of it and some are against it. Many people form their opinions regarding ending a pregnancy based on their already religious, moral and even political beliefs. It is legal to perform an abortion in the United States but the question at hand is should women get them or not? Everything about abortion is up for debate, from when women should get one, to how it should be covered and who should pay for it; all of these things take away the women’s right or decision when getting one. Even though the decision to have an abortion should be a woman’s decision because it is her body that is not the case. The basis of the paper is to explain that women should …show more content…

The egg is just that an egg, simply fertilized, and just a bunch of cells that will eventually be a baby, therefore people should not be upset when a pregnancy is terminated. It shouldn’t be a big deal if a woman chooses to eradicate some cells as with an abortion, it’s after all her body and it's not quite a living breathing human being. It’s just a fetus! On page 2, according to Thomson “Most opposition to abortion relies on the premise that the fetus is a human being, a person, from the moment of conception.” Planned Parenthood states, there are two types of abortions during the first trimester, which is the period from the first day of the last period and lasts until the end of week 12, of the pregnancy. The two types of abortions are in-clinic abortions and medication abortions. It, in other words, it is not quite a baby yet, therefore I wouldn’t consider a collection of cells that have not fully developed yet to be a living person or a human being. To further discuss the two types of abortions, the in-clinic abortion is more of a surgical procedure and the medication abortion is a pill which results in miscarriage like symptoms. Depending on how far along a woman may choose one of those options during her first trimester to end her pregnancy. Women should have the right to have an abortion, some women may want children but still may feel that abortion is …show more content…

One of those extreme instances where abortion is necessary is rape or sexual assault. Women do not ask nor choose to be raped so they should not have to bear the burden or anguish of a reminder of that traumatic event in which they did not ask for. Having a child as a result of sexual abuse or assault is already bad enough but to have to give birth to a child under the horrible conditions just would not seem fair. If a woman is raped it should ultimately be her decision to abort the

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