
Mars Creative Writing

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The feel of this planet is somewhat warm and rocky, but unusual. The group me and my family were placed in were the first to land on Mars. We were told by NASA that Mars had mysterious events happening from time to time, but not to worry if we get involved. As told, we were to stay put till the ‘experts’ from other ships arrive to setup houses and little towns, but in the meantime, we were given tents to stay in. NASA gave us all little pan flips to read about
Mars before venturing. However, the pan flips were mysteriously missing while we were setting up tents. It has been over two hours and oxygen levels have been normal and we are able to breathe without a suit. No one knows when the ‘experts’ will arrive or when more people will …show more content…

The sunset in Mars was unique, similar, but different from Earth. The feeling I got when the sun set is that we have a purpose to be in Mars. To replenish and to populate the unpopulated planet of Mars. It was a cold night on Mars. The good thing was that other families that came along had more the 4 blankets, since NASA had advised us to bring more covering because the lowest
Mars would get is 20 degrees to 0 degrees Fahrenheit. The sunrise was majestic. Mountains seen during the sunrise were so clear even though they were far. All families were called for a reunion to discuss what were the plans for today. Since we had limited supply of food and water, that was the main issue discussed. We plan to serve tiny portions of both since one of the head family
Perez 2 leaders had received a message that the ‘experts’ would arrive tonight. The reunion was interrupted by a strange horn like sound coming from the mountains. Little children were frightened, but the adults stood strong and told the children that it was just some sort of a ‘party’.
The noise seems to fade for a little while, but every three minutes, the sound would get stronger and closer. The wife and children were forced to stay in the tents while the adult males

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