
Marshall Plan Research Paper

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The Marshall plan has been around for many decades and has become a livings challenge most of the americans citizens are in the need to live with not only because it's a powerful government branch that has been throughout many legal states of the progress also because it became very important and here are some of the few reasons and explanations on what the actual Marshall Plan .

The European Recovery Program also known as the Marshall Plan channeled to recover more than 13 billion dollars nearly $110 billion in 2016 US dollars to fiance . In the time period of the 1948 and 1952 The Marshall Plan . Was considered a success and was able to bring back the confidence in the European people in there economic system . To actually defend …show more content…

The plan had bipartisan many support in Washington, where the Republicans were the ones who controlled the Congress and the Democrats were the ones who controlled the White House with the help of Harry S. Truman as President.The plan was growing to the creation of the State Department administrator , in particular George F Kennan as well William L, they counted with the help of the Brookings institution just how the senator Arthur Vandenberg had requested , and the chairman Senate Foreign Relations …show more content…

Some of the aid per capita was also directed to the Allied nations, with much less for those that had been a part and were involved with the Axis or remained indifferent . One of the best way for The Marshall Plan to get money was the United Kingdom which it received approximately 26 % of the total. France was receiving 18 % followed with Germany 11 % Many of the plans from Europe were also receiving benefits to help out on the economy .Even though the Soviet Union was against giving the benefits and was also refusing to the Eastern Bloc countries such as Poland and many others .Asia was reliable with some similar aids plans but unfortunately they were not a part of The Marshall Plan

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