Martha Graham Dance Analysis

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Graham technique is a modern dance technique created by American dancer and choreographer Martha Graham. Argentine tango is a social dance originating at the end of the 19th century in the suburbs of Buenos Aires, Argentina. In this comparative essay, I evaluate the relationship between Martha Graham Modern Dance and Argentine Tango in terms of their historical context, each dance cultures’ current contexts, dance elements, and conclude with an analysis of dance excerpts. The origins of both dance cultures are similar as they were originated with the influence of Europeans at the end of the 19th century. In 1875, when the laws of immigration were realigned, Argentina faced an influx of immigrants that lead to resentment between the newcomers …show more content…

Since most male dancers were drafted into the army, existing companies were badly hurt. Although WWII halted the development of dance in Europe and America, it did not stop Martha Graham from choreographic productivity. This was largely due to the majority of company members being female; as she had only accepted her first male dancer 2 years prior to the start of WWII. Contrastingly, influenced by the rise of military dictatorships and other political events after WWII, the practice of Argentine tango slowly declined in the face of curfews and clampdowns on public gatherings Instead, the culture of late-night dancing went undergroundRenewed interest in Argentine tango only arose in the early …show more content…

Exploring movement based upon the expressive abilities of the human body. Infused with social, political, psychological and sexual themes, Graham’s choreography connects with audiences from the past and present. She remained a strong advocate of individuality by exploring the complexities of people in society in works such as Deaths and Entrances (1943) and Appalachian Spring (1994). Today, Martha Graham Dance Company continues to cultivate Graham’s spirit of dance. This continuation of social, political, psychological, and sexual themes deepened the technique’s impact and resonance on the dance world. By performing choreographies by Graham alongside newly commissioned works inspired by Graham’s legacy, the company actively works to expand it 's mission and present works of it 's