Martin Luther King Feeding The Call Analysis

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" I have a dream that one day, my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." These famous words were spoken by Martin Luther King Jr., who broke the chains of racism and segregation. He fought for all African Americans to be treated the same way as the Caucasians. He also faced harsh racism and segregation in his early childhood when he was isolated from the whites, and was kept from playing with them. These early events shaped Martin's life, actions, and beliefs as an adult. The article" Heeding the Call" explains how Martin was influenced at an early age. Martin Luther King Jr. should be commemorated for many of his personal achievements and victories over racism and discrimination. Although, he should be chosen for his determination and nonviolent protests against race discrimination. In his life, there were a number of events that shaped Martin Luther King Jr.'s life. One of these events were when Martin played with two white boys, but their parents were shoe store keepers. When they realized who their sons were playing with, they took their sons away. At first, he did not realize why the boys left. Nevertheless, it took him a while to comprehend what he was …show more content…

When they arrived at the store, he and his father searched among the collection of shoes, while many white shoppers glared at them. Then, the store owner came over and advised his dad, rather harshly, they should go to the "colored" section of the store. This deeply angered his father, who remained calm, squeezed his son's hand. His father answered sharply, saying “We’ll either buy shoes sitting here or we won’t buy shoes at all.” With those words, his father, Reverend Martin Luther King, left the store. The article shows this information, and tells how African Americans were