Martin Luther King's Role In Civil Rights Movement

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Martin Luther king’s role in civil rights movement Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist minister and a social activist. All the African-Americans in the United States were greatly influenced by his tactics and exceptional oratorical skills. He did sociology at Morehouse College and obtained Seminary at Chester, Pennsylvania. During his last year of theological training, his spiritual growth was greatly influenced by Morehouse College President Benjamin E. Mays. Because of him, he believed Christianity to be the powerful weapon to bring the social change.( Bailey,2015). According to King Jr., nonviolence has a direct link with one’s moral character. He fought for the civil rights and equality of African-Americans, economically under privileged through nonviolent methods. Mahatma Gandhi had a strong impact on King Jr. As Gandhiji, he also considered his moral and social integrity as religious commitments. He believed God has a specific purpose on everyone’s life and human history is written …show more content…

The Civil Rights movement played a very dominant role in African-Americans life in establishing equal rights for all Americans. Even though King Jr. protested in the peaceful manner, the racists burnt down many African-American churches to state their opinion on equal rights to them. But still after so many years, some African-Americans face some injustice and inequality today in their daily day to day life. He believed injustice can be made into justice by three ways, one is hopelessness, next is violence and the third one is non violence. He chose the third one and fought injustice and succeeded. Today’s social activists must learn from King’s tactics to fight against social injustice by using non violent methods. If they take up King Jr. Path, America will dissolve all inequalities without disturbing various diversities. Even in jail and when confronted with violence, he preached non