Martin Luther King's Voting Rights Movement

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Activist, Martin Luther King Jr. launched a voting rights campaign in Selma, Alabama where only 355 of the 15,000 black residents were permitted to register to vote (Foner, 995). Johnson asked Congress to enact a law securing the right to vote, finally showing support from the federal government during the movement. The National Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed that allowed federal officials to register voters. Additionally, the twenty fourth amendment outlawed the poll tax that prevented poor blacks and some whites, from voting in the South. Likewise, another moment racial tensions rose is recognized as the Watts Uprising, which took place a few days after Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act. In a predominantly black neighborhood in Los Angeles, two white policemen fought a black motorist that was suspected of drunk driving, according to the article,“Watts Riot begins.” published by A+E Networks. A crowd of people grew angry as they …show more content…

He was the vice president elected in 1952 and 1956 under Eisenhower. He ran against Humphrey and Wallace and 1968, and he caught the attention of the white southerners for the Republicans in the middle class. The Great Society attained its high point during the Nixon administration. However, American politics included an increase of conservatism at that time. In conjunction with the actions made around that time, the American Indian Movement was a Native American organization founded in 1968 to protest government policies and injustices Native Americans suffered. They staged protests demanding greater tribal self-government and the restoration of economic resources guaranteed in treaties (Foner, 1015). The protest lasted into 1971, and created the Red Power movement to reclaim what was once their own native territory. Indian tribes would win greater control over education and economic development on the