Marty Wolfe Character Analysis

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The team of Marty and his friends are about to embark on an adventure throughout the Pacific. That is because they are searching for a giant squid. Not only would the Architeuthis help cover expenses of the trip since the team is almost broke, but also finally the company would become a solid competitor to Noah Blackwood and his Arks. When Travis Wolfe, a main character Grace’s father, decided to venture out to collect a giant squid from the depths of a New Zealand coast, he had a bad feeling from the start. He couldn’t tell his employees about this, however, because they are starting to hear stories of the haunted ship. He now has to deal with a spy on the ship taking out cameras and his chances of survival as a company or possibly his own. Marauding: Going about in search of things to steal or people to attack. …show more content…

He had good reason to be as well, because he had been attacked by a spy once before. “They might have succeeded if their research ship hadn’t had a mysterious fire that all but destroyed the vessel.” This depicts the fire that Butch McCall, one of Noah’s henchmen made on his old ship. On that expedition they were out to catch a couple of whale sharks, but eWolfe had failed due to these attacks. Bullethead: Stupid, self-important, or obstinate person. The company eWolfe was developing new technology with Ted Bronson in a sort of lair that he works in. The product of the meeting was the Gizmo, which had tag tracking and a dragonspy. “The dragonspy buzzed back to the Gizmo and climbed into the tiny drawer.” A dragonspy is a little robot that is hardly visible and very inconspicuously dragonfly shaped. It can follow people into doors before they close, hear every word they say, and record everything it sees. It is very good for surveying the ship once the cameras went out. Gangplank: Movable plank used as a ramp to board or disembark from a ship or