How does it feel to know someone who always does things unexpectedly? The person normally is not trusted when they do unexpected things. In the book, The Crucible, by Arther Miller, the character Mary Warren who is the housemaid to John Proctor and Elizabeth Proctor, and is also one of the girls who accuses people of witchcraft is seen as untrustworthy. No doubt because she changes sides throughout the book and will lie to get people to not question her or dislike her. Mary Warren proves herself to be a wildcard.
Certainly, Mary Warren is a wildcard because she changes her opinion to please Abigail. To start, Mary Warren wants to confess how the girls were dancing in the woods and there was no witchcraft involved. Abigail tells her if she
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Mary Warren not going against Abigail and confessing the truth shows that Mary Warren will do things even if she does not want to, to please Abigail. Second, Marry Warren makes a poppet in court and gives it to Elizabeth Proctor. Abigail accuses Elizabeth Proctor of stabbing her through the poppet with a needle. Then Elizabeth Proctor gets taken to jail and John Proctor tells Mary Warren she must confess that she made the poppet. Mary Warren shows herself being scared of turning against Abigail by saying, “She’ll kill me for sayin’ that!...” (2.429). Mary Warren was afraid that Abigail was going to turn against her. This shows that Mary Warren will do anything to make sure happy is not mad at her. Third, Mary Warren is getting accused by Abigail and the other girls that she is a “yellow bird” meaning she was working with the devil. Marry Warren turns on John Proctor and says he is working with the Devil. Mary Warren goes back to Abigail when stating “No, I love God. I go …show more content…
Mary Warren gets home from working with the court, which John Proctor forbids her from going to, Mary Warren snaps at John Proctor saying she is an important part of the court and she must go. She shows herself siding with believing that she is doing a good thing lying to the court when she says, “The Devils lose in Salem, Mr.Proctor; we must discover where he’s hiding” (2.139-140). In this part of the book, Mary Warren is on the lying side. Mary Warren then goes with John Proctor to confess the truth about faking seeing the Devil. She confesses to the court that they have all been faking. This causes the girl to all act like Mary Warren is casting the Devil on them. She shows herself siding with the truth when she says “They’re sporting. They-!” (4.465). This indicates that Mary Warren tells the truth about what is happening in the courtroom. The courtroom starts to accuse Mary Warren of working with the Devil so she starts lying again and blames John Proctor for making her confess to the court. She shows herself siding with the lying side when she says, “You’re the Devils man!” (4.500). This shows she changes sides again to escape being accused of witchcraft. This signifies Mary Warren through the book changes sides by first, lying to the court about people committing witchcraft. Second, telling the truth to the court. Then, going