Mary Wollstonecraft Women's Rights

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Women's rights

Women are strong, powerful, and smart, women accomplish as many things men do. They accomplish them just as great as men do. Women like mary wollstonecraft, elizabeth stanton, and margaret sanger are reason why we have things we have and the power and freedom they proved that women are just as good as men.

Mary Wollstonecraft was an english writer, philosopher,and an advocate of women's rights. Mary wollstonecraft wrote a book with strictures on political and moral subjects called vindication in the 18th-century. She wrote vindication to imply that men and women are allowed to have equal rights. One of her quote is “I do not wish them [women] to have power over men; but over themselves”. Which means she wants women …show more content…

That mean that one if your newborn child/family is to be killed.

Susan b. Anthony She Led the Fight to Gain Equal Rights for Women, Including the Right to Vote. Susan B. Anthony, 1820-1906: She Led the Fight to Gain Equal Rights for Women, Including the Right to Vote.One of her quotes “I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand”. That mean women shouldn’t depend on a man's protection and should have been taught to protect herself.

Thanks to mary wollstonecraft, elizabeth stanton,and margaret sanger and many more we are now able to vote have equal rights just as men do and have reproductive center to help us make the right decisions and vote with our own decision and have equal jobs and equal pay as men.These strong women make it easier for us have freedom for our