Low Staff Morale In The Workplace Essay

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Low motivation in the work place can lead to low productivity, high staff turnover and poor customer service. If the individuals in the work place are not treated fairly, don’t get on with their colleagues or are being made to work in an uncomfortable environment for long periods of time this will lead to low staff morale. Low staff morale in turn will affect motivation and how efficiently the individuals perform the tasks assigned; this may also lead to absence or to their work being completed incorrectly. Low staff morale in my work place can be caused at busy times where a large volume of orders come through leading to overtime and not enough staff to complete the work in the time given. This understaffing if not dealt with quickly …show more content…

This can benefit both the employee and the employer as some of the staff may have good suggestions to improve the workplace or make the work more efficient and the open door policy makes it easier to feel comfortable for the employee to air any issues.

Praise & Criticism:

Make sure to tell your staff when they have done a good job, make them aware that you are happy with the work they are doing and keep them involved by telling them how their work may be helping the company. Also make sure that any criticism is constructive, sit down with your employee one on one to give criticism, always start and end with a positive and make the criticism comments in the middle of the conversation. Point out where this issue lies and help your employee work out a way to improve their performance, they may not have received adequate training in the subject and so could request for extra help with this training until they get it right. By sitting down and talking through any issues you will make your employee fell more comfortable and thus eliminating any stress which could be causing low